Monday, October 10, 2011

School is in Session

Last fall I felt something was my heart. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised, as God has changed my heart several times over the last 10 years. I had always said I would NEVER marry a Pastor, and have been married to my Pastor husband for over 7 years now. I never intended to be a homemaker, until God put the desire in my heart. And I thought I would never, ever consider homeschooling my children.

Well, things change. Like my heart towards homeschooling. Over the last year, God has placed such a desire in my heart and calling on my life to educate my children at home. I have felt a little overwhelemed at times over the idea, and scared or uncertain if I would be able to do this. After much prayer and seeking advice, I realized that on my own, no I could NOT do it. However, God's word promises, "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength" Philippians 4:13.

My hubby has not been 100 percent on board with the homschooling thing. He is supportive yes, but also skeptical of whether or not this is the best choice for us. So our compromise has been for me to do preschool with our 4 year old, and if it goes well and works for our family, then we will continue on.

We have researched so many different curriculums, ideas, and methods. We had settled on one curriculum, and for several reasons just hadn't ordered it yet. Of course, the advantage of homechooling is that you can begin and end anytime you want. So, kind of last minute we decided on a curriculum that we were both excited about.

Today was our first day of "school." Callie was super excited to get started, and was so attentive as I was teaching her. I am excited to begin this new journey. School is in session at the "Reid Academy."

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