Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Stop for a Minute...

As a mom I feel like I am in a constant RUSH... I rarely have time to sit down and relax. There is always laundry to be done, dishes to be put away, toys to pick up, meals to make, diapers to change...and the list goes on and on and on. This is why I have become very fond of a little thing called "naptime." :)

I find myself counting down the hours, minutes, until I will be able to put my two precious girls in their rooms and have hopefully an hour or so to catch my breath, sit down, and think. Truth be told, I usually use about the first 20 minutes of their naptime to get the few things done that are impossible to do with a baby wrapped around my leg, and a preschooler asking me 20 questions.

But, then it comes, every afternoon...QUIET. I think I almost do a little "happy dance" as I close the girls' doors and know I am getting ready to have a few minutes to myself. I look forward to this time.

Today however, I felt a little different. I rocked my baby to sleep (as is our normal nap routine). And after I knew she was asleep I started walking to her room, giddy that I was going to be laying her down for that precious nap...and it hit me. These days are going by fast. I stopped outside her bedroom door, holding her. I tried to take in everything...the feel of her little head nestled into my neck, the smell of Johnson's baby shampoo on her hair, her warm baby breath, her soft skin.

She was wearing an outfit that her older sister wore, it seems like not that long ago. But it has been a long time. It's been almost 4 years ago. Where does the time go? It goes by in a blink...I want to remember every second with these girls. As much as I look forward to the days of endless time to myself, I won't be too upset when my baby awakes early from her nap and needs me to snuggle her for an hour. I'll quit rushing, stop, and savor those moments.

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