Thursday, September 8, 2011


In the "career world" it is easy to determine success. There is a standard or goal to meet. There is a boss that tells you what is expected. There are milestones you reach, promotions to strive for, rewards to obtain.

This is not the case when you are a homemaker...In my vocation, there is no "boss" telling me what needs to be done for the day. There isn't a job description. There are no promotions.

I have realized after several years, that only I can determine what success is for me. Sure, I have goals in homemaking and in raising children. But, really there is no one monitoring whether or not I achieve them. So, I have compiled a brief list of what I consider success in this season of life.

Success Is...

*Getting a diaper on correctly, on the first try

*Having the house stay clean for 8 hours straight (even if that's only because everyone is asleep)

*Managing to get more food into my baby's mouth than on her clothes

*Getting through Wal-Mart without any "melt-downs"

*A day without tears (from me OR the kids)

*Eating a meal in a restaurant without being "THAT family" with the screaming baby

*Getting my 4 year old to eat a vegetable willingly

*Eating my dinner before it gets cold

*Actually getting the clean laundry put away in the drawers and closets (instead of just moving the piles from the basket to the bed, etc.)

*Having enough time to put make-up on and fix my hair

*Sleeping through the night, without a child waking me up

*My daughters' hugs and affection

I have to admit that having two little ones at home can be down right exhausting at times. Often, anything I accomplish is quickly undone. However, I try to remember that the days are long, but the years are short.

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